Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid – Qt $189.95
Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid controls broadleaf weeds like clover and thistle, offering turf safety and flexible application for golf courses and nurseries.
Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate (Epsom Salt) – 50 Lbs $99.95
Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate (Epsom Salt) – 50 Lbs is a hydrated salt with seven molecules of water, so caking or bridging should not be a significant problem.
Magnus Hydration Surfactant – 2.5 Gallon $239.95
Magnus Hydration Surfactant – 2.5 Gallon is a unique blend of nonionic soil surfactants that produces uniform hydration in the root zone, improves plant color and quality and decreases localized dry spot.
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Manor Herbicide Blade MetSulfuron Methyl – 2 oz $29.95
Manor Herbicide Blade MetSulfuron Methyl – 2 oz is a highly selective premium post-emergent herbicide for effective control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in turfgrass.
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Marengo G Herbicide Ornamental Pre Emergent – 50 Lb $199.95
Marengo G Herbicide Ornamental Pre Emergent – 50 Lb is a pre-emergent granular ornamental herbicide for control of weeds in field and container production ornamentals, conifers and Christmas trees, grounds maintenance, and other label specified non-crop areas.
Marengo Herbicide Ornamental Preemergent – 18 – 64 Oz $489.95 – $1,329.95
Get long-lasting weed control with Marengo Herbicide Ornamental Preemergent. Effective for up to 8 months, ideal for nurseries, hardscapes, and ornamentals.
Mecomec 4 MCPP Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons $229.95
Mecomec 4 MCPP Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons provides an effective control for weeds such as clover and chickweed that develop in closely mowed turf such as golf greens and fairways. Mecomec can be added to other broadleaf herbicides to enhance clover control. Mecomec is a cost-effective means of enhancing other herbicides.
MES-100 Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) Surfactant for Herbicide – 2.5 gals $119.95
MES-100 Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) Surfactant for Herbicide – 2.5 gals is a premium, Methylated seed oil designed to improve pesticide performance.
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Meso 4 SC Select Herbicide Mesotrione – 8 Oz – Gallon $59.95 – $309.95
Meso 4 SC Select Herbicide Mesotrione – 8 Oz – Gallon is a herbicide that can be used for both pre and post-emergence control of more than 45 broadleaf weeds and grasses in turfgrass.
Method 240SL Herbicide – 2.5 Gallon $999.95
Method 240SL Herbicide – 2.5 Gallon provides pre emergent and post emergent control broadleaf weeds, vines, and brush species that is quickly taken up by the leaves, stems, and roots of plants.
Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) Surfactant Adjuvant – Qt $19.95
Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) Surfactant Adjuvant – Qt used as a replacement for nonionic surfactant and crop oil.
Milestone Specialty Herbicide Aminopyralid – Qt – 2.5 Gallon $139.95 – $1,039.95
Milestone Specialty Herbicide Aminopyralid – Qt – 2.5 Gallon offers excellent invasive woody brush and weeds control, across a wide variety of use sites.
Millennium Ultra 2 Specialty Herbicide – 2.5 Gal $319.95
Millennium Ultra 2 Specialty Herbicide – 2.5 Gal is a premium post-emergence selective herbicide specially formulated to control clover and other broadleaf weeds in a single application.
Mirage Blue WSB Lake and Pond Colorant 4 x 6.4 oz $64.95
Mirage Blue WSB Lake and Pond Colorant 4 x 6.4 oz is a blended formulation of water soluble dyes and inert ingrediants.
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Moisture-Loc Moisturin Anti Transpirant Dessicant – 5 Gal $319.95
Moisture-Loc Moisturin Anti Transpirant Dessicant – 5 Gal is a plant protector that forms a strong prophylactic membrane shield on leaves that significantly cuts water loss and lowers plant stress.
Mojave 70 EG Herbicide Generic Sahara DG – 5 Lb $64.95
Mojave 70 EG Herbicide Generic Sahara DG – 5 Lb provides impressive residual control to keep new weeds from emerging all season long.