The Classic 18-0-6 with 50% SRN Plus Minor – 2.5 Gallons $119.95
The Classic 18-0-6 with 50% SRN Plus Minor delivers quick & slow-release nitrogen for lush, healthy turf. Ideal for golf courses, sports fields & lawns.
Thuricide BT Caterpiller Control Insecticide Dipel – Pt – Gal $16.95 – $58.95
Thuricide BT Caterpiller Control Insecticide Dipel – Pt – Gal is low toxicity to humans and animals that provides same active ingredient as Dipel.
16 in stock
Tide Paclo 2SC PGR Generic Trimmit 2SC – Gallon $239.95
Tide Paclo 2SC PGR Generic Trimmit 2SC – Gallon is a systemic plant growth regulator for turf
Timbor Professional – 1.5 – 25 Lb Pail $23.95 – $153.95
Timbor Professional – 1.5 – 25 Lb Pail can be used as a wood preservative, fungicide and insecticide on its own or in conjunction with other treatments as a supplement.
Timemist Air Freshener Refills 30 Day Metered Aerosol $8.95
Keep your space fresh with Timemist Air Freshener Refills 30 Day Metered Aerosol. Long-lasting, effective odor control in a variety of scents.
185 in stock
Timemist Classic Dispenser 1047717 $37.95
Timemist Classic Dispenser 1047717 is an excellent way to continuously control flies and odors in restaurant kitchens, bathrooms, commercial establishments and food handling areas by releasing a set amount of insecticide or de-odorize into the air every 15 minutes to kill flying pests or odor.
Timemist Settings Dispenser Generic 1047809 $33.95
The Timemist Settings Dispenser Generic 1047809 offers customizable spray settings, LED indicators, and efficient odor control for homes and businesses.
4 in stock
Tomahawk Live Trap Excluder E50 – 12 X 5 X 5 $36.95
Tomahawk Live Trap Excluder E50 – 12 X 5 X 5 is designed to let squirrels, rats and similar size animals remove themselves from unwanted areas.
4 in stock
Tomato Twine 6300 ft Box w/ Belt Loop – 3 Lb $26.95
Tomato Twine 6300 ft Box w/ Belt Loop – 3 Lb specifically for the tying staked tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables of growers.
Topcoat Soil Wetting Agent – 2.5 Gallon $179.95
Topcoat Soil Wetting Agent – 2.5 Gallon uses proven soil wetting technology that is safe for plants, including turf.
Topdress Special 12-6-8 3Mo Fertilizer – 50 Lb $129.95
Topdress Special 12-6-8 3Mo Fertilizer – 50 Lb for container nursery stock and are designed to provide a consistent release of high-quality nutrition.
Topsin 4.5 FL Agricultural Fungicide Thiophanate-methyl – 2.5 Gal $199.95
Topsin 4.5 FL Agricultural Fungicide Thiophanate-methyl – 2.5 Gal is a standard fungicide used by dry bean growers, Topsin provides the confidence you deserve in disease control.
4 in stock
Topsin M 70WP 3336 Fungicide – 5 X 1 Lb $89.95
Topsin M 70WP 3336 Fungicide – 5 X 1 Lb is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide used as preventive as well as curative for the effective disease management in various crops, vegetables and orchards.
Tordon RTU Brush Weed Killer Herbicide – Qt $24.95
Tordon RTU Brush Weed Killer Herbicide – Qt effectively kills cut stumps, brush, weed when you are cleaning out fence lines and non-cropland areas.
1 in stock
Tournament-Ready Soil Surfactant – 5 Gallon $389.95
Tournament-Ready Soil Surfactant – 5 Gallon contains a blend of natural renewable-resource surfactant components combined with traditional surface-active agents that deliver long lasting residual performance and this unique class of surfactant blend works to prevent and control localized dry spots.
Tourney Fungicide Metconazole – 5 Lb $839.95
Tourney Fungicide Metconazole – 5 Lb is formulated as 50% water dispersible granular (WDG) that is systemic and is quickly absorbed into plant tissue as preventive and curative properties.