GoClip Mosquito Personal Mosquito Repellent $6.95
GoClip Mosquito Personal Mosquito Repellent can be attached to clothing, a lanyard, a hat, a backpack, a stroller even a dog collar without spraying harmful insecticide.
21 in stock
Golden Eagle Electric Start XL 2610 Thermal Fogger $1,894.95
Golden Eagle Electric Start XL 2610 Thermal Fogger easily, effectively and economically dispenses oil based insecticides, fungicides, germicides, disinfectants, odor control and other chemical products.
Gotcha Sprayer Pro Adaptor $37.95
Gotcha Sprayer Pro Adaptor enables you to attach and trigger virtually any type of aerosol can, bellow hand duster from the end of an extension pole without using ladder.
Grandevo CG Bioinsecticide Miticide – 1 Lb $44.95
Grandevo CG Bioinsecticide Miticide – 1 Lb containing fermentation solids of chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-Â1
Grandevo WDG Bioinsecticide Miticide – 6 Lb $145.95
Grandevo WDG Bioinsecticide Miticide – 6 Lb is a dry flowable microbial based fungicide containing fermentation solids of chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-Â1 for use on edible crops.
1 in stock
Green Drain Floor Drain Trap Seal – 2″, 3″, 3.5″, 4″ $26.95 – $28.95
Green Drain Floor Drain Trap Seal – 2″, 3″, 3.5″, 4″ allows for one way valve creates seal to eliminate floor drain odor & pest issues.
49 in stock
Halo 30 Second Generation Glueboard Fly Light Trap $194.95
Halo 30 Second Generation Glueboard Fly Light Trap provides commercial efficacy with a contemporary discreet aesthetic for a wide range of applications.
Halo Curve Decorative Fly Light – Trap $149.95
Halo Curve Decorative Fly Light Trap is a beautifully designed, decorative flylight.
1 in stock
InVade Bio Drain – Qt – Gal – 5 Gal $21.95 – $164.95
InVade Bio Drain – Qt – Gal – 5 Gal Drain Gel Mop Clean eliminate organic debris and odors, and citrus oil, in a thickened formula to coat the sides of drains and use as mop.
1 in stock
InVade Bio Zap Odor Remover – Qt – Gal $21.95 – $51.95
InVade Bio Zap Odor Remover – Qt – Gal contains premium, natural microbes that eliminate organic debris and odors, and a light, natural citrus scent.
InVade Mop Clean – 4 Oz Pouch $4.75
InVade Mop Clean – 4 Oz Pouch is a new generation of floor cleaner that blend of premium natural microbes, citrus oil
Invite Fruit Flies Lure Attractant 35 Gram Syringe $9.95
Invite Fruit Flies Lure Attractant 35 Gram Syringe is a non-toxic gel lure
6 in stock
JT Eaton Pro Scraper 2.5 inch Model1735 $10.95
JT Eaton Pro Scraper 2.5 inch Model1735 is durable, long-lasting, stainless steel scraper.
1 in stock
Luralite Cento Plus Decorative Fly Light Trap $139.95
The Luralite Cento Plus Decorative Fly Light Trap offers effective, discreet fly control with high-efficiency UV bulbs and long-lasting glueboards for businesses.
Mainspring GNL Insecticide Cyantraniliprole – Pt $399.95
Mainspring GNL Insecticide Cyantraniliprole – Pt provides extended protection through its systemic and translaminar movement to prevent pest populations from building to damaging levels.
Malathion 50% EC Mosquito Control – Qt – 1 – 2.5 Gal $32.95 – $162.95
Malathion 50% EC Mosquito Control – Qt – 1 – 2.5 Gal is an insecticide for mosquitoes and other pests at ornamentals, fruit, vegetables, and outdoor.