Precor IGR Concentrate Insecticide – Oz – Pt $9.95 – $69.95
Precor IGR Concentrate Insecticide – Oz – Pt acts on the immature stages of a flea’s life cycle. It is the ideal flea treatment for getting ride of fleas from in and around your home or business.
25 in stock
Precor Plus Fogger – 3 of 3 oz Pack $22.95
Precor Plus Fogger – 3 of 3 oz Pack immediately kills adult fleas, while Precor IGR prevents pre-adult fleas from creating new infestations of breeding, biting adults.
Proflex Encapsulated Solutions Insecticide – Qt $87.95
Proflex Encapsulated Solutions Insecticide – Qt is a microencapsulated concentrate containing Lambda-Cyhalothrin, Novaluron, and Pyriproxyfen.
23 in stock
PT Alpine Flea and Bed Bug Aerosol – 14 oz $27.95
PT Alpine Flea and Bed Bug Aerosol – 14 oz with quicker knockdown, longer-lasting control, and better affordability than competitive products kills hatching eggs for up to seven (7) months.
11 in stock
PT Ultracide Pressurized Flea Insecticide – 20 oz $25.95
PT Ultracide Pressurized Flea Insecticide – 20 oz will cover 2,625 square feet indoors, killing adult fleas as well as laying down a protective Insect Growth Regulator layer that keeps flea eggs and larvae from developing for over 7 months.
15 in stock
Shockwave 1 Flushing Killing & Residual Aerosol – 17 Oz $34.95
Shockwave 1 Flushing Killing & Residual Aerosol – 17 Oz is an all-in-one product containing two adulticides, two synergists and an insect growth regulator (IGR).
Suprado IGR Insecticide – Gallon $349.95
Suprado IGR Insecticide – Gallon is effective in controlling a variety of insect pests.
2 in stock
Talus 70 DF IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) – 3 Lb $389.95
Talus 70 DF IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) – 3 Lb highly anticipated and exciting chemistry offers several benefits for the ornamental producer.
Tekko Pro IGR Concentrate – 16 Oz $49.95
Tekko Pro IGR Concentrate – 16 Oz is contains a Pyriproxyfen and Novaluron that disrupts the life cycle of listed insects, preventing them from developing into adults.
2 in stock
TetraSan 5 WDG Miticide Ovicide – 8 x 2 oz – 1 Lb $129.95
TetraSan 5 WDG Miticide Ovicide – 8 x 2 oz – 1 Lb is a miticide that controls major tetranychid mite species in egg and nymph stages of growth.
3 in stock
XXpire WG Insecticide – 1 Lb $449.95
XXpire WG Insecticide – 1 Lb combines two active ingredients, sulfoxaflor and spinetoram, to control more than 39 insects, including seven of the top 10 chewing and sap-feeding insects.