Cide Kick Spray Adjuvant Surfactant Aquacide – 2.5 Gal $76.95
Cide Kick Spray Adjuvant Surfactant Aquacide – 2.5 Gal is a non-toxic byproduct of the citrus industry, a low viscosity oil that is a wetting agent, activator and penetrant all in one.
1 in stock
Cimarron Plus Herbicide – 2 – 10 Oz $32.95 – $98.95
Cimarron Plus Herbicide – 2 – 10 Oz can be used for pensacola bahiagrass, multiflora rose, blackberry, dewberry, musk thistle, canada thistle and other weeds invade your pastures.
62 in stock
Clear Pasture Triclopyr Brush killer Herbicide – 1 Gal $84.95
Control hard-to-manage brush and weeds with Clear Pasture Triclopyr Herbicide. Fast-acting, long-lasting, and effective for a variety of applications.
Clipper Herbicide – 5 Lbs $279.95
Clipper Herbicide – 5 Lbs is a fast acting contact herbicide that controls selected submersed, emergent and floating aquatic weeds.
5 in stock
Coastal Herbicide Simazine Prodiamine Imazaquin – 2.5 Gal $499.95
Coastal Herbicide Simazine Prodiamine Imazaquin – 2.5 Gal is selective ultimate, easy-to-use herbicide for warm season turfgrass like Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, and Zoysiagrass on Golf Courses (Excluding Golf Course Putting Greens), Athletic fields, Commercial and Residential Turf, and Sod Farms/Nurseries.
Compact PGR Cotton Plant Growth Regulator – 2.5 Gallon $52.95
Compact PGR Cotton Plant Growth Regulator – 2.5 Gallon is a water based foliar applied pgr that helps manage your cotton crop by regulating plant growth for more efficient production and improved yields.
2 in stock
Concise Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator – Gal $224.95
Concise Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator – Gal is an effective growth retardant for use on a broad variety of ornamentals and an excellent tool for chemical control of excessive plant growth.
Configure Ornamental PGR – 0.5 Gal $144.95
Configure Ornamental PGR – 0.5 Gal is an effective growth regulator for use on ornamental crops to increase lateral branching and promote flowering in certain ornamental species as the only pure 6-BA PGR.
1 in stock
Confront Specialty Herbicide Triclopyr – Gal $169.95
Confront Specialty Herbicide Triclopyr controls broadleaf weeds in turfgrass with one application. Ideal for golf courses, parks, and commercial grounds.
Cool Power Broadleaf Herbicide for Cool Season – 2.5 Gallons $274.95
Cool Power Broadleaf Herbicide for Cool Season – 2.5 Gallons premium ester formulation weed killer is ideal for winter weed control, dormant warm season turf and early season applications in transition zones and cool season climates.
Copper Sulfate Crystals Granular – 2.5 – 50 Lb $25.95 – $235.95
Copper Sulfate Crystals Granular – 2.5 – 50 Lb is used as a fungicide and a algaecide. Mixed with lime it is called Bordeaux mixture and used to control fungus on grapes, melons, and other berries.
1 in stock
Corral 2.68G Granules Herbicide Pendimethalin – 50 Lb $154.95
Corral 2.68G Granules Herbicide Pendimethalin – 50 Lb is a consistent, long-lasting pre-emergent herbicide that provides broad-spectrum control for a number of troublesome weed.
Crest Plant Growth Stimulant – Gallon $449.95
Crest Plant Growth Stimulant – Gallon is a plant biostimulant
CREW Specialty Herbicide Dimension & Gallery – 10 Lbs $52.05
CREW Specialty Herbicide Dimension & Gallery – 10 Lbs combines the power and proven safety of Dimension specialty herbicide and Gallery specialty herbicide to offer a 2-in-1 solution for turfgrasses and landscape beds.
Available on backorder
Crossbow Herbicide Tenkoz, Helena – 1 – 2.5 Gal $89.95 – $219.95
Crossbow Herbicide Tenkoz, Helena – 1 – 2.5 Gal made by DOW has been distributed by the Helena, Tenkoz.
Crossbow Herbicide Triclopyr – Qt $26.95
Crossbow Herbicide Triclopyr – Qt kills vines and hard to control brush plants.