Milestone Specialty Herbicide Aminopyralid – Qt – 2.5 Gallon $139.95 – $1,039.95
Milestone Specialty Herbicide Aminopyralid – Qt – 2.5 Gallon offers excellent invasive woody brush and weeds control, across a wide variety of use sites.
Mojave 70 EG Herbicide Generic Sahara DG – 5 Lb $64.95
Mojave 70 EG Herbicide Generic Sahara DG – 5 Lb provides impressive residual control to keep new weeds from emerging all season long.
Oust XP Herbicide Sulfometuron Methyl – 3 Lbs $179.95
Oust XP Herbicide Sulfometuron Methyl – 3 Lbs is a dispersible granule that controls many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in forestry and noncrop sites.
Pastora Herbicide Pastures – 5 – 20 Oz $114.95 – $394.95
Pastora Herbicide Pastures – 5 – 20 Oz features broad-spectrum grass and broadleaf weed control to help producers and land managers maintain weed-free bermudagrass in pastures and rights of way.
Pathfinder II Specialty Herbicide – 2.5 Gallon $199.95
Pathfinder II Specialty Herbicide – 2.5 Gallon is a low volatile ester formulated ready-to-use herbicide for basal bark and cut-stump treatments
Pathway Specialty Herbicide Picloram – 2.5 Gallon $129.95
Pathway Specialty Herbicide Picloram – 2.5 Gallon is ready-to-use cut-surface herbicide offers long-term control of most woody plants like tordon, grazon herbicide.
Plateau Herbicide Imazapic – Gallon $219.95
Plateau Herbicide Imazapic – Gallon for roadside grass seedhead suppression reduce mowing costs by regulating smooth bromegrass growth and bromegrass seedhead suppression.
Pramitol 25E Herbicide – Gallon $84.95
Pramitol 25E Herbicide – Gallon can be use for total vegetation control on industrial sites, non crop areas around-the-farm, and for use in and under asphalt.
4 in stock
Pramitol 5PS Granules Herbicide – 25 Lbs $124.95
Pramitol 5PS Granules Herbicide – 25 Lbs used for total vegetation control on industrial sites, non crop areas around-the-farm, and for use in and under asphalt.
1 in stock
Ranger Pro Herbicide Roundup – 2.5 Gallon $84.95
Ranger Pro Herbicide Roundup – 2.5 Gallon is broad-spectrum, systemic, non-selective post emergence herbicide for turf, ornamental, and industrial weed control.
Reward Landscape and Aquatic Herbicide – 1 – 2.5 Gallon $179.95 – $379.95
Reward Landscape and Aquatic Herbicide – 1 – 2.5 Gallon is a nonvolatile herbicidal chemical for use as a general herbicide to control weeds in noncrop and aquatic areas.
Roundup Custom for Aquatic and Terrestrial Use Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons $119.95
Roundup Custom for Aquatic and Terrestrial Use Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons use flexibility for weed and brush control by land or water.
2 in stock
Roundup PowerMAX 3 Herbicide Glyphosate – 2.5 Gallon $189.95
Roundup PowerMAX 3 Herbicide Glyphosate – 2.5 Gallon contains a unique surfactant blend with a higher concentration of glyphosate per gallon, allowing farmers to spray more acres per gallon.
Roundup Pro Concentrate – 2.5 Gal $84.95
Roundup Pro Concentrate – 2.5 Gal has a more concentrated formulation and proven surfactant technology allowing for crews to spend less time mixing, handling and rinsing containers and more time spraying.
1 in stock
Roundup Promax Herbicide – 1.67 Gal $72.95
Roundup Promax Herbicide – 1.67 Gal has more concentrated glyphosate as 48.7% that is non selevtive weed and grass killer.
Roundup QuikPRO – 5 x 1.5 Oz – 6.8 Lb $31.95 – $124.95
Roundup QuikPRO – 5 x 1.5 Oz – 6.8 Lb is generally non-selective and gives broad spectrum control of many annual weeds, perennial weeds, woody brush and trees.