Alligare Bromacil Diuron 40 40 Herbicide Krovar – 6 Lbs $84.95
Alligare Bromacil Diuron 40 40 Herbicide Krovar – 6 Lbs provides selective control of weeds in certain crops like citrus and for non-selective control of weeds on residual bare ground control like parking lots, right of ways, etc.
Alligare Tebuthiuron 20P Herbicide Spike 20P – 25 Lb $249.95
Alligare Tebuthiuron 20P Herbicide Spike 20P – 25 Lb is generic Spike 20P that provides excellent control of sagebrush, creosotebrush, boxwood, kudzu and more as pre- and post-emergence control.
Avenger Weed Killer Concentrate – Qt – 1 – 2.5 Gal $49.95 – $279.95
Avenger Weed Killer Concentrate uses natural citrus oil to control weeds safely and quickly. Effective for grasses, broadleaves, and organic gardening.
AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons $151.95
AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide – 2.5 Gallons is a non-selective, weed control for grasses and broadleaf weeds.
AXXE RTU Herbicide Organic Roundup – 32 Oz $17.95
AXXE RTU Herbicide Organic Roundup – 32 Oz is an eco-friendly, fast-acting weed control solution, safe for use in gardens, patios, and landscapes.
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Barrier Extended Control Vegetation Killer Concentrate – Qt $19.95
Barrier Extended Control Vegetation Killer Concentrate kills weeds, grasses, and vines, preventing new growth for up to 12 months. Ideal for residential use.
Brush Killer Triclopyr Herbicide – Qt – Gallon $24.95 – $44.95
Brush Killer Triclopyr Herbicide – Qt – Gallon controls woody plants, plus annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in non-crop areas.
Brushmaster Herbicide – Gal $89.95
Brushmaster Herbicide provides year-round brush and broadleaf weed control with flexible application methods. Safe on grasses, effective on tough weeds.
Casoron 4G Dichlobenil Weed and Grass Killer – 25 – 50 Lb $139.95 – $269.95
Casoron 4G Dichlobenil Weed and Grass Killer – 25 – 50 Lb provides long residual preemergent and early postemergent weed control.
Cheetah Pro Glufosinate Ammonium Herbicide – 1 – 2.5 Gallon $134.95 – $254.95
Cheetah Pro Glufosinate Ammonium Herbicide – 1 – 2.5 Gallon is non-selective, post-emergence herbicide provides fast, effective control of the toughest broadleaf and grass weed challenges, including those resistant to glyphosate and multiple herbicide classes.
Cimarron Plus Herbicide – 2 – 10 Oz $32.95 – $98.95
Cimarron Plus Herbicide – 2 – 10 Oz can be used for pensacola bahiagrass, multiflora rose, blackberry, dewberry, musk thistle, canada thistle and other weeds invade your pastures.
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Clear Pasture Triclopyr Brush killer Herbicide – 1 Gal $84.95
Control hard-to-manage brush and weeds with Clear Pasture Triclopyr Herbicide. Fast-acting, long-lasting, and effective for a variety of applications.
Crossbow Herbicide Triclopyr – Qt $26.95
Crossbow Herbicide Triclopyr – Qt kills vines and hard to control brush plants.
Derigo Herbicide IVM Product – 60 Oz $719.95
Derigo Herbicide IVM Product – 60 Oz controls many invasive grasses and broadleaf weeds while promoting healthy grass cover and offering unparalleled versatility for managing warm-season grasses on roadsides.
Diquat Turf Aquatic Herbicide Tribune – Qt – Gal – 2.5 Gallon $59.95 – $319.95
Diquat Turf Aquatic Herbicide Tribune – Qt – Gal – 2.5 Gallon controls submersed, floating and emergent aquatic weeds that is a highly concentrated non-selective herbicide for the control of aquatic weeds, turf weeds and grass.
Direx 4L Herbicide – 2.5 Gallon $118.95
Direx 4L Herbicide – 2.5 Gallon is historically the growers’ diuron brand of choice because of its tried and true premium formulation designed to handle and handle easily. Direx 4L can be used to control most broadleaf and grass weeds applied preplant, pre-emerge or post direct from 6 inch cotton to layby.
Do It Yourself Weed Control Vegetation Management with Non-Selective Herbicide of Pestrong.com