Subtilex NG biological fungicide – 6 x 2 oz $629.95
Subtilex NG biological fungicide – 6 x 2 oz provides broad spectrum antifungal protection against soil borne pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium spp. and Fusarium spp. to help prevent damping-off and other root diseases.
1 in stock
Suffoil-X Spray Oil Emulsion Insecticide – 2.5 Gal $119.95
Suffoil-X Spray Oil Emulsion Insecticide – 2.5 Gal is a unique concentrate of pre-emulsified, highly refined, high paraffinic, low aromatic oil.
Sul-Po-Mag 0-0-22 K-Mag – 50 Lb $109.95
Boost soil fertility with Sul-Po-Mag 0-0-22 K-Mag – 50 Lb. A fast-release, water-soluble fertilizer rich in potassium, magnesium, and sulfur for healthy crops.
SureKill Total Release Aerosol Fogger – 6 oz $16.95
SureKill Total Release Aerosol Fogger – 6 oz combines fast flushing and quick knockdown with excellent residual control.
8 in stock
Surround WP Crop Protectant – 25 Lb $97.95
Surround WP Crop Protectant – 25 Lb forms a barrier film, which acts as broad spectrum agricultural crop include vegetables, fruit trees, ornamentals protectant for controlling insect and disease, a growth enhancer and as a protectant against sunburn and heat stress.
Tank Cleaner Select – Qt $18.95
Tank Cleaner Select – Qt is an alkaline, ammoniated spray equipment cleaner that helps to dissolve active ingredient residue and to prevent cross contamination between tank mixtures.
9 in stock
TerraGrow Beneficial Soil Inoculant – 10 Lb $165.95
TerraGrow Beneficial Soil Inoculant – 10 Lb is a powdered blend of carefully selected beneficial bacterial and fungal spores
33 in stock
Thuricide BT Caterpiller Control Insecticide Dipel – Pt – Gal $16.95 – $58.95
Thuricide BT Caterpiller Control Insecticide Dipel – Pt – Gal is low toxicity to humans and animals that provides same active ingredient as Dipel.
16 in stock
Tri-Die Pressurized Sillica Pyrethrin Dust Aerosol – 8 oz $17.95
Tri-Die Pressurized Sillica Pyrethrin Dust Aerosol – 8 oz is ideal for use in voids where long term residual activity is required.
27 in stock
Triact 70 Neem Oil Fungicide Insecticide Miticide – 2.5 Gal $294.95
Triact 70 Neem Oil Fungicide Insecticide Miticide – 2.5 Gal highly effective and economical botanical oil may be used indoors as well as outdoors on ornamental flowering plants, trees, shrubs and foliage grown in greenhouses, interiorscapes and commercial landscapes.
Triathlon BA Aqueous Suspension Biofungicide Bactericide – Gal $129.95
Triathlon BA Aqueous Suspension Biofungicide Bactericide – Gal controls a wide variety of fungal and bacterial diseases on ornamentals, fruits, vegetables, and herbs and spices.
Triple Action Neem Oil Insecticide Fungicide Miticide – Pt $28.95
Triple Action Neem Oil Insecticide Fungicide Miticide – Pt is Broad Spectrum control for Indoor Outdoor Use on Ornamental Flowering Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Foliage, Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and Home and Residential Landscapes.
Ultra Pure Oil Horticultural Insecticide – 2.5 – 30 Gal $94.95 – $841.95
Ultra Pure Oil Horticultural Insecticide – 2.5 – 30 Gal is 98% Petroleum Oil based year round horticultural spray Insecticide, Miticide and Fungicide.
Vapor Gard Anti-Transpirant Concentrate – Gal $79.95
Vapor Gard Anti-Transpirant Concentrate reduces water loss in plants, protects against cold desiccation, and ensures healthy growth year-round.
Venerate CG bioinsecticide – Qt $69.95
Venerate CG bioinsecticide – Qt is a biological insecticide and miticide containing killed cells of Burkholderia spp. strain A396 and spent fermentation media controls insect and mite pests by enzymatic degradation of exoskeletal structures and interference with the molting process leading to mortality through contact and/or ingestion.
Winning Colors Tall Fescue Blend Grass Seed – 50 Lb $249.95
Winning Colors Tall Fescue Blend Grass Seed – 50 Lb is a long-lived perennial when grown in the transition zone between the cool humid and warm humid regions.