Suffoil-X Spray Oil Emulsion Insecticide – 2.5 Gal $119.95
Suffoil-X Spray Oil Emulsion Insecticide – 2.5 Gal is a unique concentrate of pre-emulsified, highly refined, high paraffinic, low aromatic oil.
Sulfur Dust Fungicide – 5 – 50 Lb $22.95 – $122.95
Protect your plants with Sulfur Dust Fungicide. Controls rust, powdery mildew, mites, and more. Ideal for mangoes, peaches, strawberries, and more.
1 in stock
Surround WP Crop Protectant – 25 Lb $97.95
Surround WP Crop Protectant – 25 Lb forms a barrier film, which acts as broad spectrum agricultural crop include vegetables, fruit trees, ornamentals protectant for controlling insect and disease, a growth enhancer and as a protectant against sunburn and heat stress.
Tartan Stressgard Fungicide – 2.5 Gal $1,295.95
Tartan Stressgard Fungicide – 2.5 Gal features the combination of trifloxystrobin and triadimefon for the enhancement of greener and more
dense turfgrass and for the control of certain foliar, stem, and root diseases of turfgrass including golf courses, sod farms, and sports fields. -
Tebuconazole 3.6F Fungicide Offset Torque – Gal $94.95
Tebuconazole 3.6F Fungicide Offset Torque – Gal can protect your ornamentals for up to 3 weeks against diseases such as midlews, rusts and blights.
Tekken Broad Spectrum Fungicide – 2.5 Gallon $529.95
Tekken Broad Spectrum Fungicide – 2.5 Gallon offers golf course superintendents dependable control of 21 of the most problematic diseases in turf, including dollar spot, brown patch, and anthracnose.
Terraclor 400 Fungicide for Ornamentals – Gal $159.95
Terraclor 400 Fungicide for Ornamentals – Gal is an effective soil fungicide for the prevention and control of soil borne pathogens caused by Rhizoctonia solani and other soil borne diseases.
Terraguard SC Ornamental Fungicide – 32 Oz $449.95
Terraguard SC Ornamental Fungicide – 32 Oz is a locally systemic fungicide that provides protection of hard to control diseases.
Terrazole 35WP Fungicide – 2 Lb $129.95
Terrazole 35WP Fungicide – 2 Lb control pythium spp, and phytophthora spp disease on ornamentals, nursery crops and turf include golf course tees and greens.
Terrazole L Fungicide for Turf Ornamental – Qt $195.95
Terrazole L Fungicide for Turf Ornamental – Qt is an effective soil fungicide for prevention and control of damping-off, root rot and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora species in ornamental and nursery crops.
3 in stock
Timbor Professional – 1.5 – 25 Lb Pail $23.95 – $153.95
Timbor Professional – 1.5 – 25 Lb Pail can be used as a wood preservative, fungicide and insecticide on its own or in conjunction with other treatments as a supplement.
Topsin 4.5 FL Agricultural Fungicide Thiophanate-methyl – 2.5 Gal $199.95
Topsin 4.5 FL Agricultural Fungicide Thiophanate-methyl – 2.5 Gal is a standard fungicide used by dry bean growers, Topsin provides the confidence you deserve in disease control.
4 in stock
Topsin M 70WP 3336 Fungicide – 5 X 1 Lb $89.95
Topsin M 70WP 3336 Fungicide – 5 X 1 Lb is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide used as preventive as well as curative for the effective disease management in various crops, vegetables and orchards.
Tourney Fungicide Metconazole – 5 Lb $839.95
Tourney Fungicide Metconazole – 5 Lb is formulated as 50% water dispersible granular (WDG) that is systemic and is quickly absorbed into plant tissue as preventive and curative properties.
Transom 50 WSB Cleary 3336 Fungicide – 4 X 8 Oz (2 Lb) $44.95
Transom 50 WSB Cleary 3336 Fungicide – 4 X 8 Oz (2 Lb) controls broad spectrum of diseases of bedding, flowering and tropical foliage plants, shrubs, trees and flowers in the landscape, interiorscape, nursery and greenhouse, containerized woody shrubs and trees, and turfgrass.
Triact 70 Neem Oil Fungicide Insecticide Miticide – 2.5 Gal $294.95
Triact 70 Neem Oil Fungicide Insecticide Miticide – 2.5 Gal highly effective and economical botanical oil may be used indoors as well as outdoors on ornamental flowering plants, trees, shrubs and foliage grown in greenhouses, interiorscapes and commercial landscapes.