
The Oriental cockroaches are insects belonging to the Order Blattodea, representing a primitive and highly productive group of insects whose origin extend back to at least 300 million years.

Oriental cockroaches prefer relatively cool places and are commonly found outdoors under bark or leaf litter, damp subfloors and around draining areas.

Oriental cockroach nymphs may take about 6 – 18 months to develop into adults and an adult lifespan may be 3 – 6 months. Females may produce up to 14 egg cases during her adult life with each case carrying up to 16 eggs.

Oriental cockroaches feed on a variety of decaying organic waste. They are most frequently seen feeding in garbage disposal areas. Oriental cockroaches also feed on starch and books.

Health Risks
• Cockroaches often dwell in environments that support the growth of harmful organisms, viruses and can also carry eggs of worm parasites.
• Each cockroach may carry millions of diseases outside and inside of it’s body including, salmonella food poison- ing or diseases such as dysentery, tuberculosis, hepatitis, typhoid fever and many more.

Effective management of pest cockroaches rely on:
• High standards of sanitation and hygiene which will
reduce factors that may facilitate a population growth.
• A comprehensive inspection/survey of the building(s).

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