22 Watt Circline TGX22 Bulb for Aura Flylight Trap $25.95
22 Watt Circline TGX22 Bulb for Aura Flylight Trap has been developed to attract a much wider range of flying insects than traditional blue UV lamps.
49 in stock
Gilbert 601D-GT Sticky Don Glueboard Fly Trap $354.95 – $384.95
Gilbert 601D-GT Sticky Don Glueboard Fly Trap is the glueboard version of the legendary Don that featuring new easy access tilt-a-trays.
Vector Plasma Fly Light Replacement Bulb 36 Watts $22.95 – $27.95
Vector Plasma Fly Light Replacement Bulb 36 Watts is made for Vector Plasma Fly Lights Trap.
13 in stock