
Cockroaches are one of the most resilient pests on the planet. It is estimated that they have lived on this planet for over 300 million years and that they have evolved very little in that time. In other words, cockroaches today look exactly like the cockroaches 300 million year ago.



More than 200 squirrel species live all over the world. squirrels have four front teeth that never stop growing so they don’t wear down from the constant gnawing. Tree squirrels are the types most commonly recognized, often seen gracefully scampering and leaping from branch to branch. Other species are ground squirrels that live in burrow or tunnel systems, where some hibernate during the winter season.


Pine Snake

Description: Pine snakes are large, fairly heavy-bodied snakes that average 48-66 inches (122-168 cm). The ground color of pine snakes may be white, yellow, or light gray. There are usually dark, squarish, blotches on the sides and back that are lighter toward the tail and darker near the head. The belly is white with dark spots on the sides. Pine snakes also have a relatively small head compared to other large colubrids and have a snout that is somewhat pointed .


Annual Bluegrass-Poa annua

Annual bluegrass is a winter annual weed with a bunch-type growth habit. Leaves are folded in the bud, have a boat shape tip, membranous ligule, and often have a wrinkled section near the middle of the blade. Annual bluegrass produces a panicle type seedhead that is triangular in shape, with bunched spikelets. Fruits are present throughout the life cycle, however the majority of the seedheads are formed in the spring.

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