United Phosphorus, Inc.(UPI) is dedicated to providing North American growers with high-quality, proven crop protection solutions.
Acephate 97UP Insecticide Generic Orthene 97 – 1 – 10 Lb $16.95 – $109.95
Acephate 97UP Insecticide Generic Orthene 97 – 1 – 10 Lb provides reliable contact and systemic control of a wide spectrum of sucking and chewing insects.
2 in stock
Banter 4SC Ornamental Miticide Bifenazate – Pt $124.95
Banter 4SC Ornamental Miticide Bifenazate offers fast mite control with 21-28 days of protection, targeting all life stages while being gentle on beneficial mites.
Broadloom Herbicide Bentazon Basagran – 2.5 Gallon $219.95
Broadloom Herbicide Bentazon Basagran – 2.5 Gallon delivers effective post-emergent control of a wide variety of the most damaging weeds, with excellent crop safety.
3 in stock
Interline Herbicide Rely 280 Herbicide – 2.5 Gallon $129.95
Interline Herbicide Rely 280 Herbicide – 2.5 Gallon is a non-selective herbicide
22 in stock
Manzate Max T&O Fungicide Dithane Mancozeb – 2.5 Gal $159.95
Manzate Max T&O Fungicide Dithane Mancozeb – 2.5 Gal is a generic dithane f-45 rainshield fungicide that controls diseases.
RightLine ETHO 4 SC Herbicide Prograss SC – 0.5 Gal $94.95
RightLine ETHO 4 SC Herbicide Prograss SC – 0.5 Gal provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua, weed enemy #1 for many turf managers.
Rightline Mesotrione 4 SC Herbicide – 0.5 Gallon $129.95
Rightline Mesotrione 4 SC Herbicide – 0.5 Gallon is a broad spectrum soil residual herbicide used for establishing cool season turfgrass species and eliminating select weeds in established turfgrass.
Tengard SFR One Shot – Qt – 1.25 Gal $54.95 – $99.95
Get long-lasting pest control with Tengard SFR One Shot – Qt – 1.25 Gal. Odorless, stain-free & kills 75+ pests, including termites, ants & bed bugs.
10 in stock
Topsin 4.5 FL Agricultural Fungicide Thiophanate-methyl – 2.5 Gal $199.95
Topsin 4.5 FL Agricultural Fungicide Thiophanate-methyl – 2.5 Gal is a standard fungicide used by dry bean growers, Topsin provides the confidence you deserve in disease control.
4 in stock
Topsin M 70WP 3336 Fungicide – 5 X 1 Lb $89.95
Topsin M 70WP 3336 Fungicide – 5 X 1 Lb is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide used as preventive as well as curative for the effective disease management in various crops, vegetables and orchards.
Tricor 75DF Metricor Herbicide – 10 Lb $219.95
Tricor 75DF Metricor Herbicide – 10 Lb is a proven broad-spectrum herbicide registered for broadleaf weed control in a wide range of crops, most notably chickpeas, field peas, lentils and potatoes that also provides pre-emergent and post-emergent control of weeds in established bermudagrass.