Southern Ag was started in 1930’s by Hans Diem. During this time, crop dusting by hand was the most common method of pesticide application.
10-10-10 + Minor Fertilizer – 5 – 50 Lb $15.95 – $85.95
10-10-10 + Minor Fertilizer – 5 – 50 Lb contains 10% Nitrogen, 10% Phosphorous (P2O5), and 10% Potassium(K2O) plus minor elements in a homogeneous granular formulation.
3 in stock
10-30-20 Bloom Booster Soluble Fertilizer + Minors – 25 Lb $69.95
10-30-20 Bloom Booster Soluble Fertilizer + Minors – 25 Lb is great for blossom flowers, roses, vegetables, shrubs, trees, lawns and houseplants.
15-0-15 Soluble Fertilizer with 11% Calcium – 25 Lb $55.95
15-0-15 Soluble Fertilizer with 11% Calcium – 25 Lb is a completely water soluble formulation with a very high calcium level that very effective under low light conditions, especially during November, December, and January.
16-0-8 Plus Atrazine 0.92% Granule – 50 Lb $89.95
16-0-8 Plus Atrazine 0.92% Granule – 50 Lb is a herbicide combination fertilizer that can be applied before or after weeds emerge.
20-20-20 + Minor Soluble Fertilizer with Dye – 25 Lb $68.95
Boost plant growth with 20-20-20 + Minor Soluble Fertilizer with Dye. Water-soluble, nutrient-rich, and perfect for lawns, flowers, and ornamentals.
20-20-20 + Minor Soluble Fertilizer with Dye
21-7-7 Acid Special Soluble Fertilizer plus Minors – 25 Lb $54.95
21-7-7 Acid Special Soluble Fertilizer plus Minors – 25 Lb has a very high acidifying potential and can be utilized within a continuous fertilization program, provided that it is ensured that the pH does not go below the desired level.
24-8-16 Soluble Fertilizer plus Minors – 25 Lb $64.95
24-8-16 Soluble Fertilizer plus Minors – 25 Lb is uniform, homogenous water soluble formulation that has a low phosphate ratio and great to use for hanging baskets, foliage and an excellent choice for interiorscapes on vegetable flower and ornamental gardens.
30-7-14 Turf Special Soluble Fertilizer Plus Minors – 25 Lb $59.95
30-7-14 Turf Special Soluble Fertilizer Plus Minors – 25 Lb used to supply all fertilizer necessary to grow healthy grass or as a supplement to dry fertilizer for quick greening and growth on lawn, golf course, turf or any other area.
5-11-26 Hydroponic Special Soluble Fertilizer + Minors – 25 Lb $59.95
Enhance your hydroponic growth with the 5-11-26 Hydroponic Special Soluble Fertilizer + Minors. Balanced NPK and micronutrients for optimal plant health.
AlgaeGreen Cold Process Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer – 2.5 Gal $109.95
AlgaeGreen Cold Process Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer – 2.5 Gal is full organic liquid extract made from fresh Ascophyllum nodosum which is produced using unique cold processing seaweed extraction technique.
Aluminum Sulfate Granules Fertilizer – 5 – 50 Lb $16.95 – $96.95
Aluminum Sulfate Granules Fertilizer – 5 – 50 Lb help lower the PH as desired by acid loving plants and turns hydrangea blooms to blue.
3 in stock
Atrazine for St. Augustine Weed Killer – Qt – 2.5 Gallon $23.95 – $98.95
Atrazine for St. Augustine Weed Killer – Qt – 2.5 Gallon for the control of both emerged weeds and weeds from seeds in St. Augustine grass and Centipede grass.
8 in stock
Black Snake Pulverized Sulfur – 5 Lbs $20.95
Black Snake Pulverized Sulfur – 5 Lbs provides correction soil alkalinity and establishing an acid soil condition on lawns.
Blue Spray Dye Colorant – Qt – Gallon $28.95 – $68.95
Blue Spray Dye Colorant for Herbicide Termiticide – Qt – Gallon is non-staining spray pattern indicator and fertilizer injector tracer does not permanently stain skin, clothing or equipment.
18 in stock
Boric Acid Roach Powder – 3 Lb $29.95
Boric Acid Roach Powder – 3 Lb kills roaches, ants, silverfish.
Broadloom Sedge Control Basagran Herbicide – 8 oz – Pt $19.95 – $30.95
Broadloom Sedge Control Basagran Herbicide – 8 oz – Pt controls broad leaf weeds, annual sedges and yellow nutsedge in established turfgrass and ornamentals.
34 in stock