LebanonTurf is manufacturer of professional turf and lawn care products, including fertilizer and weed control chemicals, grass seed, and mulches.
Lebanon Broadleaf Weed Killer Trimec Herbicide – 20 Lbs $69.95
Lebanon Broadleaf Weed Killer Trimec Herbicide – 20 Lbs covers 10,000 sq.ft. that controls a wide range of lawn weeds including dandelion, chickweed, knotweed, plantain, henbit, spurge and many others.
Lebanon Eagle 0.62G Fungicide Granules – 25 Lb $94.95
Protect your turf with Lebanon Eagle 0.62G Fungicide Granules. Effective against 15+ diseases, cost-effective, and long-lasting for healthy lawns.
Lebanon Prodiamine.58G BIODAC Herbicide Granular – 40 Lbs $64.95
Lebanon Prodiamine .58G BIODAC Herbicide Granular – 40 Lbs is a pre-emergent herbicide for prevention weed control.
3 in stock
Roots Fertilizer for Tree SRN 11-22-22 Micronutrient – 8 Lb $51.95
Roots Fertilizer for Tree SRN 11-22-22 Micronutrient – 8 Lb is a water-dispersible 50% slow release nitrogen fertilizer that provides both chemical and biological fertility to promote growth.
Roots Tree Saver – 3 Oz Packet $10.95
Roots Tree Saver – 3 Oz Packet is a comprehensive soil inoculant combining mycorrhizal fungi, benecial rhizosphere bacteria and Myconate (formononetin), a naturally occurring isoavone that increases root colonization by VA mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi.
Winning Colors Tall Fescue Blend Grass Seed – 50 Lb $249.95
Winning Colors Tall Fescue Blend Grass Seed – 50 Lb is a long-lived perennial when grown in the transition zone between the cool humid and warm humid regions.