Premise 75 Termiticide (4 x 2.25 oz Water Soluble Packet) $74.95
Premise 75 Termiticide (4 x 2.25 oz Water Soluble Packet) is non-repellent termiticide and insecticide starts killing termites and ants immediately.
2 in stock
Premise Foam Termiticide Insecticide – 18 Oz $23.95
Premise Foam Termiticide Insecticide – 18 Oz is easy ready to use termiticide insecticide with imidacloprid.
6 in stock
Premise Granules Termiticide Insecticide – 3.6 Lb $44.95
Premise Granules Termiticide Insecticide – 3.6 Lb is non-repellent ready to use termiticide and insecticide.
Prograss EC Herbicide – 2.5 Gal $549.95
Prograss EC Herbicide – 2.5 Gal provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua in cool-season turf grasses and overseeded bermudagrass. This means Poa can be controlled through its cool-season germination and growth periods.
Prostar 70 WG Systemic Fungicide – 3 Lb $244.95
Prostar 70 WG Systemic Fungicide – 3 Lb is a systemic fungicide recommended for control of diseases of turf caused by Basidiomycetes through both curative and preventive activity.
Proxy PGR for Turf Management Verve – 2.5 Gal $199.95
Proxy PGR for Turf Management Verve controls turf growth, suppresses Poa annua seedheads, and reduces mowing with no turf shock. Rainfast in 2 hours.
Revolver Herbicide – Qt – 87 Oz $359.95 – $839.95
Control cool-season grasses like Poa annua and ryegrass with Revolver Herbicide – Qt – 87 Oz. Safe for warm-season turf and easy to apply for effective results.
Sencor 75 DF Turf Herbicide – 5 Lbs $529.95
Get powerful, long-lasting weed control with Sencor 75 DF Turf Herbicide. Effective on broadleaf and grassy weeds, safe for Bermudagrass, and covers up to 16.7 acres.
Serenade Opti BioFungicide Bacillus Subtilis – 10 Lb $399.95
Serenade Opti BioFungicide Bacillus Subtilis – 10 Lb is a broad spectrum fungicide and bactericide that works in three different ways to fight disease-causing pathogens.
Sevin SL Carbaryl 43% Broad Spectrum Insecticide – 2.5 Gals $229.95
Sevin SL Carbaryl 43% Broad Spectrum Insecticide – 2.5 Gals provides broad-spectrum control of more than 130 turf and ornamental pests with residentional spot and commercial, agricultural use label.
1 in stock
Specticle Flo Pre-Emergent Herbicide – 18 Oz – Gallon $379.95 – $2,279.95
Get long-lasting weed control with Specticle Flo Pre-Emergent Herbicide. Prevent crabgrass, Poa annua, and more with fewer applications. Shop now!
Specticle G Pre-Emergent Herbicide – 50 Lbs $209.95
Control weeds effectively with Specticle G Pre-Emergent Herbicide. Ideal for warm-season grass, landscape ornamentals, and hardscapes. 50 lbs.
Suspend Polyzone Insecticide – Pt – Gallon $64.95 – $429.95
Suspend Polyzone Insecticide provides up to 90 days of effective outdoor pest control with exclusive polymer technology. Long-lasting, reliable, and cost-effective.
Suspend SC Insecticide – Pt – Gallon $45.95 – $305.95
Suspend SC Insecticide – Pt – Gallon with DeltaGard offers the benefits of deltamethrin in a concentrated suspension of pure micro-crystals.
4 in stock
Tartan Stressgard Fungicide – 2.5 Gal $1,295.95
Tartan Stressgard Fungicide – 2.5 Gal features the combination of trifloxystrobin and triadimefon for the enhancement of greener and more
dense turfgrass and for the control of certain foliar, stem, and root diseases of turfgrass including golf courses, sod farms, and sports fields. -
Telar XP Herbicide Chlorsulfuron – 8 oz $144.95
Telar XP Herbicide Chlorsulfuron – 8 oz is a broad-spectrum tank-mix herbicide that provides contact and residual control in pastures where farmers and ranchers want to keep their bahiagrass.
17 in stock