The Oriental cockroaches are insects belonging to the Order Blattodea, representing a primitive and highly productive group of insects whose origin extend back to at least 300 million years.
Mosquitoes are the deadliest insects on the planet, not because of the mosquito itself, but because of the diseases that they carry and transfer to their hosts while feeding on the host’s blood. Mosquito-born disease is responsible for the death of millions of people each year; an estimated 70 million are infected through mosquito bites annually. Diseases they carry include malaria, yellow fever, dengue, encephalitis, and West Nile virus.
Black Spot is a disease that most often infects roses in warm weather and high humidity. Infection mostly occurs from spores splashing up onto the new growth from the fallen leaves and stems. On occasion, the spores can be brought in by air movement. Therefore, removing infected canes and leaves from the area is the best means of pest control. This disease is easy to recognize.
Carbaryl 5% Dust- Ready to Use
Carbaryl 10% Dust (for Woody Ornamentals)- Ready to Use
Cutworm & Cricket Bait- 0.9 lbs per 1000 sq ft
Garden Insect Dust- Ready to Use
Home Pest Control- Ready to Use
Malathion 5% Dust- Ready to Use
Systemic Fungicide (Bayleton)- 1 – 2 TBS per gal (most uses)
Captan Fungicide- 1 – 2 TBS per gal
Liquid Copper Fungicide- 2 tsp per gal
Dithane M-45- 1.5 TBS per gal
Roundup is a popular, effective and widely available herbicide, but it kills EVERYTHING, so use with caution. To make an “after planting” spray barrier, you can cut the bottom off a 2 liter [or cut a length of PVC pipe or carpet tube],
When to Start Your Tomato Seeds?
Zones 9 & 10: Start seeds indoors in early to mid January
Zone 8: Start seeds indoors in early February
Zone 7: Start seeds indoors in mid February
Zone 6: Start seeds indoors in late February
Zone 5: Start seeds indoors in early March
Zones 1-4: Start seeds indoors in mid to late March
All Fruits certain diseases/insects/mites Triple Action Neem Oil- 1 oz (2 TBS) per gal
All Nuts certain diseases/insects/mites Triple Action Neem Oil- 1 oz (2 TBS) per gal
Almonds navel orange- worm, twig borer- Permetrol- 3 tsp per gal
Apples- many diseases- Captan Fungicide- 2-4 TBS per gal
many diseases- Liquid Copper (new)- 1 – 6 Tsp per gal
many insects- Malathion 50% EC- 2 tsp per gal
All plants are subject to disease. Under proper environmental conditions a disease will occur when a susceptible plant is invaded by a causal agent (pathogen). Plant pathologists are principally concerned with disease caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and nematodes.