OVERVIEW: MSMA continues to undergo examination and/or changes in its current label structure. Recently, EPA has delayed implementation of the use deadline for Group II ( TURF uses below ) pending the outcome of the IRIS assessment and other testing. The MSMA Task Force (OAPTF) is fully engaged with EPA in seeking to extend the label uses for MSMA beyond the present. Below is a brief analysis of the overall situation.


Turf Lawn Winterize Tip

Don’t leave the Tree leaves. you can’t grow healthy turf grass under a mat of tree leaves.

Many turf pros make two fertilizer applications to prepare turf grass for winter. They schedule one in late August or September to aid in recovery from drought and heat stress, and another in October or November. Fertilizing turf grass in the late fall keeps it greener than unfertilized turf grass during the winter, and speeds spring green-up by two to six weeks. The enhanced rate of spring greening occurs without stimulating excessive shoot growth, in fact, far short of what takes place with early spring fertilization. Early fall and winter boost of fertilizer will cause the grass to continue growing and thicken (as you know “winterizing”).


About Soil PH

Soil pH refers to the degree of acidity (sourness) or alkalinity (sweetness) of soil.   The pH scale has been adapted as the measure of acidity or alkalinity.  This scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral.  Numbers below 7 are acid, above 7 are alkaline.  All plants have a particular range of pH in which they grow best.  At pH values higher than are optimum for a particular plant, fertilizer in the soil can not be properly utilized.  High pH is very common in Florida soils, particularly along coastal areas.  This problem shows most often in “acid loving” plants such as Azaleas, Camellias, Gardenias, Holy, Ixora, Magnolia and certain grasses such as Bahia.  High pH usually shows as yellowing of foliage or an iron deficiency.


What kind of pre-emergent herbicide for my turf grass?

One concern with preemergence herbicide use is timing of application. In a typical year, the earliest germinating crabgrass may be killed by subsequent frosts. However, in order to be effective, the preemergence herbicide must be applied before the first crabgrass that germinates following the last frost. It must also be activated by either rainwater or irrigation after application. Typically, they are applied two to three weeks earlier, when an indicator plant, such as Forsythia in the northern United States or dogwoods in South, bloom.


Prevent Rodents Tip Winter

Americans spend more than $4 billion per year just to get rid of them.

“Rodents invade an estimated 21 million homes in the United States every winter,” says Missy Henriksen, an NPMA spokesperson. “But with many places already experiencing cold weather conditions, it is important to be proactive and vigilant in preventing these pests from becoming unwelcome houseguests.”


Flea Removal and Proper Tip

The U.S. suffered through one of its hottest summers on record. The sweltering temperatures spurred a significant increase in the flea population, which thrives in hot and humid environments. Flea pupae can lay dormant throughout the cold winter months and reawaken during summer if left undisturbed, making the summer and fall months time to take action. If your pets exhibit any signs of having fleas this season, immediate flea removal and extermination is of the utmost importance in order to prevent you and your pets from harm.


Termite Biology which we should know

Termites occur in every state of the United States and parts of Canada. To date, they have not been reported in Alaska. They cause varying degrees of trouble, depending upon the geographical
location. The presence and abundance of termites in an area is determined by several factors including temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil type. Because subterranean termites rely on soil moisture, they’re affected by soil types. In clay soils, moisture is

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