Scepter T&O 70 WDG Herbicide Image 70 DG – 11.43 Oz
Scepter T&O 70 WDG Herbicide Image 70 DG – 11.43 Oz is a selective herbicide for use on established lawns of bermudagrass, st. augustinegrass, centipedegrass, and zoysiagrass.
Scepter T&O 70 WDG Herbicide Image 70 DG – 11.43 Oz
Powerful Selective Herbicide for Turfgrass & Ornamentals
Scepter T&O 70 WDG Herbicide Image 70 DG – 11.43 Oz is a professional-grade selective herbicide designed for use on established lawns of bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, and zoysiagrass. With Imazaquin (70.0%) as its active ingredient, this herbicide effectively targets and controls a broad spectrum of weeds, including sedges, dollarweed, wild garlic, and henbit.
Perfect for use on golf courses, sod farms, commercial and residential turf, and around selected landscape ornamentals, Scepter T&O provides long-lasting, post-emergent weed control by being absorbed through weed roots and foliage, stopping growth immediately after application.
Key Benefits:
✔ Broad-Spectrum Weed Control – Targets sedges, dollarweed, wild garlic, henbit, and more.
✔ Rapid Action – Stops weed growth immediately after application with visible chlorosis and necrosis.
✔ Selective Herbicide – Safe for use on bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, and zoysiagrass.
✔ Versatile Use – Ideal for lawns, golf courses, sod farms, and landscape ornamentals.
✔ Easy Application – Can be applied as a broadcast or spot treatment for effective weed management.
Where to Use:
- Lawns & Turfgrass – Bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, zoysiagrass
- Golf Courses & Sod Farms
- Commercial & Residential Turf
- Landscape Ornamentals
How to Use:
- Spot Treatment: Mix 0.25 oz per 1.5 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. ft.
- Broadcast Treatment: Apply 8.6 – 11.4 oz per 100 gallons of water per acre (refer to label for specific instructions).
- Apply evenly to affected areas for best results.
How Scepter Works:
Scepter T&O 70 WDG Herbicide is absorbed through the weed’s roots and foliage, rapidly translocating to growing points. Growth stops immediately, followed by chlorosis in the youngest leaves and eventual necrosis, leading to complete weed elimination. Perennial weeds are effectively controlled as the herbicide translocates to underground storage organs, ensuring long-lasting results.
Scepter T&O 70 WDG Herbicide Image 70 DG – 11.43 Oz is a highly effective, selective herbicide for lawns, golf courses, and sod farms, controlling sedges, dollarweed, wild garlic, and more. With Imazaquin (70%), it provides rapid and long-lasting weed control, ensuring healthy, weed-free turf.
Scepter T&O 70 WDG Herbicide Image 70 DG is a trusted solution in professional turf management, offering proven weed control for lawns, golf courses, and ornamental landscapes. With Imazaquin (70%), a widely researched active ingredient, Scepter T&O provides effective post-emergent control with immediate action. Designed for professional use, it is a safe and efficient choice for turfgrass maintenance, ensuring long-term weed suppression while preserving grass health.
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Weight | 1.81436948 lbs |
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