Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid – Qt


Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid controls broadleaf weeds like clover and thistle, offering turf safety and flexible application for golf courses and nurseries.

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Dow AgroSciences LLC

Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid – Qt

Achieve Superior Weed Control with Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid

The Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid – Qt offers powerful, postemergence control of tough broadleaf weeds like clover, dandelion, thistle, and dollarweed. Designed with turf safety in mind, this herbicide is ideal for use on both warm- and cool-season grasses. It provides exceptional results, particularly on closely mowed bentgrass and Bermudagrass fairways, making it an excellent choice for golf course management.

Key Benefits of Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid:

  • Broad Spectrum Weed Control: Effectively targets and controls clover, thistle, dollarweed, and other broadleaf weeds.
  • Turf Safety: Safe for use on St. Augustinegrass, closely mowed bentgrass, and Bermudagrass fairways with minimal risk of damage.
  • Flexible Application: Can be applied in landscape, field nursery, and ornamental plant situations, including “over-the-top” applications with certain plants.
  • Conifer and Ornamental Weed Control: Ideal for selective broadleaf weed control in new and established conifer and ornamental plantings.
  • Postemergence Effectiveness: Works best on actively growing weeds, providing lasting results after application.

Item Specifications:

  • Product Name: Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid – Qt
  • Active Ingredient: Clopyralid 40.9%
  • Application Rate: 4–21 oz per acre (100 gallons of water), or 0.1–0.5 oz per gallon of water (1,000 sq. ft.)
  • Safety: Excellent turf safety for use on various grasses, including St. Augustinegrass, bentgrass, and Bermudagrass fairways.
  • Restricted Use: Not for use on residential turf; California and Washington restrict turfgrass use to golf courses only (not greens or tees).
  • Restrictions: Do not reseed turfgrass for 3 weeks post-application. Do not use clippings as mulch or compost.

How Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid Works:

Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid targets weeds after they have emerged, effectively eliminating common broadleaf weeds such as clover, dandelion, and thistle. Its selective formula is safe for various turfgrasses, providing a reliable solution for golf course turf management. The flexibility in application methods, including use on ornamentals and conifers, offers versatility for landscape and nursery professionals. Its ability to control weeds without harming turf ensures your lawns and fields remain beautiful and healthy.


Lontrel Specialty Herbicide Clopyralid – Qt is a high-performance herbicide designed to control stubborn broadleaf weeds without damaging your turf. Its application flexibility, safety, and effectiveness make it an excellent choice for turf managers, golf courses, and professionals dealing with weed management in ornamental plantings.

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Weight 2.72155422 lbs


Dow AgroSciences LLC

Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, began in 1989 as DowElanco, a joint venture between the plant sciences businesses of The Dow Chemical Company and Eli Lilly and Company.

Dow AgroSciences LLC
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