Weedmaster Herbicide - Where to buy Weedmaster Herbicide Pasture - 2.5 Gallon - $121.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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Weedmaster Herbicide Pasture - 2.5 Gallon

Weedmaster Herbicide Pasture - 2.5 Gallon
NuFarm Americas Inc

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Weedmaster Herbicide Pasture - 2.5 Gallon is a selective, post-emergent herbicide that provides tough, long lasting control for a broad spectrum of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush in grass forages and selected row crops.

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Weedmaster Herbicide Pasture - 2.5 Gallon is a selective, post-emergent herbicide that provides tough, long lasting control for a broad spectrum of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush in grass forages and selected row crops. 

  • Pastures, rangeland and grass (hay, silage)
  • Sorghum, sugarcane, wheat - fall & spring seeded
  • Between crop application, CRP, general farmstead and fallow systems
  • RATE : 1 oz per 1 gallon of water for spot treat by handy sprayer

    Less than 4 inches - 1 to 1.5 pints. (/Acre)
    Greater than 4 inches - 1.5 to 3 pints. (/Acre)

    Biennials: rosette diameter
    3 inches or less 1.5 - 2 pints (/Acre)
    3 inches or more 2 - 4 pints (/Acre)
    Greater than 4 inches - 4 pints (/Acre)

    Suppression or top growth control 2 - 4 pints. (/Acre)
    Seasonal control 4 - 8 pints (/Acre)

    • Wheat injury may occur if interval between application and planting is less than 10 days for each pint/acre used.
    • Add 0.5% volume approved surfactant (1qt per acre) to Range Star when used alone or in tank mix.

    Fall and Spring Wheat
    Fall seeded wheat after it is fully tillered prior to joint.
    Spring seeded wheat before wheat exceeds 5 leaf.
    Rate: ¾ to 1 pint/acre

    Newly seeded areas, including small grains grown for pasture or hay may be injured if rates are greater than 2 pints/acre are applied.


    • Pre-plant applications for control in cropland rotated to wheat, post-harvest, fallow, stubble, set-a-side.
    • Sugarcane
    • Cut surface treatments - trees/vines
    • Pasture, (including pasture for hay)
    • Rangeland and farmstead non-crop.
    • Grain sorghum
    • Grazing and feeding restrictions non-lactation. Remove animals from treated area 30 days before slaughter.
    • Do not graze lactating animals within 7 days of treatment.

    Application: Ground or Air.
    Ground: Apply 5 to 40 gallons/acre.

    Aerial: Apply 3 to 10 gallons/acre.

    • Volume of diluted spray will depend on height, density and type of weeds or brush treated.

    Rainfastness: 5 hours before rain


    Active Ingredients :

    Dicamba --- 12.4%

    2,4-D ------ 35.7%

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    Calvin ALSTON
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    I have a problem with giant ragweed. This product cooked it. No better price than pestrong and got it in two days. Excellent service.

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    Rudy PERSING
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    good product.

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    Virgilg BURKE JR
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    I use this for leafy Spurge and have for years! I save quite a few dollars by purchasing from Pestrong, at least $40 per gallon. It is sometimes to fine the rangestar locally and it is a product that workes great.

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