Sonora Herbicide - Where to buy Alligare Sonora Herbicide Generic Lontrel, Transline - Qt - Gal - $79.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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Alligare Sonora Herbicide Generic Lontrel, Transline - Qt - Gal

Alligare Sonora Herbicide Generic Lontrel, Transline - Qt - Gal
Alligare, LLC

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    Qt  $79.95
    Gal  $169.95

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Alligare Sonora Herbicide Generic Lontrel, Transline - Qt - Gal is formerly Alligare Clopyralid 3 Herbicide controls broadleaf weeds and woody brush.

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-$2.00 -$4.00

Alligare Sonora Herbicide Generic Lontrel, Transline - Qt - Gal is formerly Alligare Clopyralid 3 Herbicide controls broadleaf weeds and woody brush. in non-cropland areas, forest sites, industrial manufacturing and storage sites, rights-of-way, and wildlife openings including grazed areas on these sites, tree plantations, and rangeland and permanent grass pastures.


  • No grazing or haying restrictions following application when used at labeled rates

  • Post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds in new and established cottonwood/poplar and eucalyptus tree plantations

  • For the control of mesquite and certain associated woody species on rangeland and permanent grass pastures only in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas

  • Can be used for control of certain problem weeds growing in forest sites and should be applied either at site preparation or after trees are planted (tree release)

CONTAINS: clopyralid -- 40.9% (Formerly Alligare Clopyralid 3 Herbicide)

RATE: mostly 4 ~ 21 oz per acre per 100 gallons of water or 0.25 ~ 0.5 oz per 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq.ft.

In California and Washington, turfgrass and lawn uses are restricted to golf courses only. (not greens nor tees)

Do not use on residential turf.

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Absolutely works great. Expensive but it works. the quart container is more than we needed but....We have a very steep hill in the backyard which we have been trying to cover with mountain pinks. Unbeknown to us the previous owners had Crown Vetch on the hill. (Very invasive and hard to get rid of) Pulling it out didn't work and we were concerned that we would kill the flowers using chemicals but the Clopyralid only killed the Crown Vetch and left the flowers unaffected. Crown Vetch is part of the legume family. The Clopyralid instructions tell you that it affects the legume family. Will update the review in the spring to let you know if it is long lasting.

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danny LAM
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Good alternative lontrel product.

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