Garden Friendly Fungicide - Where to buy Garden Friendly Fungicide Bacillus D747 OMRI - 16 Oz - $18.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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Garden Friendly Fungicide Bacillus D747 OMRI - 16 Oz

Garden Friendly Fungicide Bacillus D747 OMRI - 16 Oz
Southern AG Inc

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Garden Friendly Fungicide Bacillus D747 OMRI - 16 Oz is biofungicide bactericide for control of plant diseases in vegetables, ornamental and fruit trees, shrubs, lawns, flowers, bedding plants, and potted ornamental plants.

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Garden Friendly Fungicide Bacillus D747 OMRI - 16 Oz is biofungicide bactericide for control of plant diseases in vegetables, ornamental and fruit trees, shrubs, lawns, flowers, bedding plants, and potted ornamental plants.

It also colonizes plant root hairs, preventing establishment of disease-causing fungi and bacteria.

Contains: 98.85% Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747 (OMRI)

Controls on vegetables:
Leaf spots, downy mildew, powdery mildew, damping off, leaf blight, rusts, bacterial spot, gray and white mold, early and late blights, black rot.


Controls on fruits and nuts:
Alternaria leaf spot, post bloom fruit drop, greasy spot, citrus canker, scab, melanose, powdery mildew, scab, flyspeck, sooty blotch, bot rot/white rot, bitter rot, cedar apple rust, fire blight, bacterial canker, brown rot, gray mold, peach leaf curl, bacterial leaf spot, rusty spot, walnut blight, anthracnose, bacterial canker, shot hole, pecan scab, leaf and fruit spots, fruit rots, damping off, botrytis blight, anthracnose fruit rot, downy mildew, pythium,


Controls on ornamentals:
Powdery mildew, anthracnose, bacterial leaf spots, damping off disease, pythium, late blight, black eye, root rot, gray mold, blight, black root rot, black spot on roses, downey mildew, alternia, leaf spots, rusts, scab, root rot, bottom rot, stem rot, sclerotinia blight, fusarium wilt.


Controls on turf: Anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, powdery mildew, rust, gray leaf spot, pythium.


Rate: 1 teaspoon (0.16 Oz) per gallon of water per 500 sq.ft.  (covers up to 48,000 sq.ft and/or yields up to 96 gallons)


Use on: Turf, fruits, vegetables, nuts, trees, ornamentals and potted plants (indoors and outdoors).

Garden Friendly Fungicide can be applied up to and including the day of harvest.

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I bought this for root rot and wilt-related issues due to plants being root bound in my outdoor garden. I have been using 5 ml in a 300 gallon tank, because the product that I am using this as a replacement for, Hydroguard, has the bacteria, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, listed as 10 to the 4th power CFU (colony forming units) per milliliter. 10,000 CFus/mL. This product is 10 to the 10th power CFus/mL, 10 Billion CFUs/mL. So at the rate of Hydroguard's application, 2 ml/gal- i would have 6 million CFUs in 300 gallons. So even with 1 milliliter of this product in 300 gallons it's 1600x stronger than hydroguard. Botanicare must be really enjoying their profits off the super expensive products they're selling :) By the way after using this product I have noticed fat, white new roots, both feeder roots at the tops of the soil and shooting out of the sides of my smart pots. Amazing! Seriously, amazing, saved my garden.

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Emily WEST
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It literally does what is on its name. It definitely is garden friendly and it is effective at killing of fungi. It works safely on a lot of different types of plants. And it works well on a lot of the most common fungal infestations.

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