Maxforce Fly Spot Bait - Where to buy Maxforce Fly Spot Bait - 2 Oz - Lb - $17.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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Maxforce Fly Spot Bait - 2 Oz - Lb

Maxforce Fly Spot Bait - 2 Oz - Lb
Backed by BAYER

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    2oz  $17.95
    Lb  $59.95

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Maxforce Fly Spot Bait - 2 Oz - Lb controls house flies in rural and urban envirionments, in animal confinement areas (cattle, poultry, swine, etc.), in commercial establishments, and outdoors in residential areas.

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-$1.00 -$1.50 -$2.00

Maxforce Fly Spot Bait - 2 Oz - Lb controls house flies in rural and urban envirionments, in animal confinement areas (cattle, poultry, swine, etc.), in commercial establishments, and outdoors in residential areas.

Long-lasting control

  • Immediate results
        - Flies start to die in 60 seconds or less
  • Long residual
        - Up to 6 weeks indoors  
        - Up to 30 days outdoors

The unique power of Maxforce Fly Spot Bait

  • 3 powerful attractants: irresistible aroma, seductive pheromone and sugar base
  • Active ingredient, imidacloprid, works quickly, even against flies resistant to other insecticides
  • Sprayable formulation
  • Low odor
  • Formula contains BitrexTM bittering agent to minimize ingestion by non-target animals

Application & Handling

Easy application

  • Treat less surface area compared to contact killing sprays
  • Water soluble granule, just dilute in water and spray
  • Treating small spots is effective and saves time
  • Can be used as a paint-on or spray application
  • Mixing 2 oz to 1 pint (16 oz) of water until completely mixed will treat 125 square feet of fly-resting surfaces.

Active Ingredients: imidacloprid ---- 10.0%,  z-9-tricosene ---  0.1%

We may ship either 8 of 2 oz envelope packet or 1 lbs bottle depends on the cusrrent stock without extra charge, when place 1 lbs order.

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We use this at our stores. Managers are really impressed and pleased with the product.

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I tried this and it was more then i expected !
really good product work really great
thank you !

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