Discus L Insecticide - Where to buy Discus L Insecticide for Ornamentals - 1 Gal - $279.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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Discus L Insecticide for Ornamentals - 1 Gal

Discus L Insecticide for Ornamentals - 1 Gal

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Discus L Insecticide for Ornamentals - 1 Gal is a versatile, broad-spectrum product that gives long-term control of many insects.

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-$3.00 -$5.00

Discus L Insecticide for Ornamentals - 1 Gal is a versatile, broad-spectrum product that gives long-term control of many insects.

Discus L Insecticide (formerly Discus N/G) is safe on virtually all plant material, offering control of a wide range of insects. Discus N/G as a foliar application provides greater than 30 day control. Discus N/G can be applied as a drench, band or foliar application.

When spraying hard to wet foliage, the addition of a surfactant may enhance both knockdown and residual activity.

Pest Controlled : Aphids, leafhoppers, leafminers, mealybugs, scale, strawberry root weevil, whiteflies, white grub larvae, and many other insects.

Active Ingredient : Cyfluthrin -- 0.70%, Imidacloprid -- 2.94%

Rate : 25 - 50 oz per 100 gallons of water or 1.5 - 3 tsp per gallon of water

REI : 12 Hours

Labeled for use on : Ornamentals, non bearing fruit and nut trees, in greenhouses, field and container nurseries, and interior plantscapes.

Not for use on residential.

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Take an L from Discus L, pests! This is a great product! This does a great job of getting rid of many insects that are harmful to plants and the best thing is that this keeps them away for a long time! I cannot recommend this enough.

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