Indemnify Nematicide - Where to buy Indemnify Nematicide - 17.1 Oz - $2,195.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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Indemnify Nematicide - 17.1 Oz

Indemnify Nematicide - 17.1 Oz
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Indemnify Nematicide - 17.1 Oz provides broad spectrum control of nematodes

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Indemnify Nematicide - 17.1 Oz provides broad spectrum control of nematodes on turf on golf courses, sod farms, sport fields, residential, institutional, municipal, commercial, and other turfgrass areas.

Indemnify is a next-generation nematicide that controls key plant parasitic nematodes in turfgrass and improves root growth and overall turfgrass health, translating to better playability with improved wear tolerance.

Indemnify is safe on all turf types including bermudagrass, creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass. Indemnify is also approved for use on all golf course areas of play, along with sod farms, sport fields, residential, institutional, municipal, and commercial turfgrass areas.


  • User-friendly packaging 
  • Ease of application 
  • No course closure during or following application 
  • Extended residual control

Nematodes controlled: Sting, root-knot, ring, Anguina pacificae, and has activity on many other key nematode species

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Fluopyram -- 34.50%

RATE: 0.195 - 0.355 oz per 1,000 sq.ft. or 6.5 - 15.5 oz per acre per 100 gallons of water, See label for details

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Preston SMITH
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The price for this seems insane, but managing the turf on a golf course is one very difficult job. This very expensive product does an amazing job of protecting said turf. The last thing we want is damaged turf and this takes care of so much headaches. I haven't seen results at the level that I have seen from this product.

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