Coron 18-3-6 plus 0.5 fe - Where to buy CoRoN 18-3-6 0.5% Fe 50% CRN Liquid Fertilizer - 2.5 Gal - $119.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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CoRoN 18-3-6 0.5% Fe 50% CRN Liquid Fertilizer - 2.5 Gal

CoRoN 18-3-6 0.5% Fe 50% CRN Liquid Fertilizer - 2.5 Gal
Helena Chemical

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CoRoN 18-3-6 0.5% Fe 50% CRN Liquid Fertilizer - 2.5 Gal is a liquid fertilizer with the unique properties that fit turf, ornamental and horticultural feeding needs.

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CoRoN 18-3-6 0.5% Fe 50% CRN Liquid Fertilizer - 2.5 Gal is a liquid fertilizer with the unique properties that fit turf, ornamental and horticultural feeding needs.

CoRoN contains nitrogen from controlled release methylene ureas along with additional nutrients to provide a quick turf green-up and prolonged release. CoRoN does not promote unnecessary surge growth and reduces clipping volumes, while minimizing nitrate leaching. CoRoN is compatible with most fungicides, herbicides and insecticides to allow time-saving tank mix applications. CoRoN is a true liquid solution that is easily applied with standard spray equipment.

Depends on the type of grass being treated. Please refer to the product label.

BENT GRASS: 4.5-6.8 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. per year applied in multiple applications of 1/8 to 1/4 lb. of nitrogen. Use higher rates in areas with prolonged growing seasons, areas of high foot traffic or in "grow in" situations.

BERMUDA GRASS: 9-11.5 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. per year in multiple applications of 1/4 to 1/2 lb. of nitrogen. Use higher rates in areas with prolonged growing seasons, areas of high foot traffic or in "grow in" situations.

BLUE GRASS & OTHER COOL SEASON GRASSES: 3.75-4.25 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. per year applied in multiple applications. Use higher rates in areas with prolonged growing seasons, areas of high foot traffic or in "grow in" situations.

ST. AUGUSTINE & OTHER WARM SEASON GRASSES: 2.5-3.5 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. per year applied in multiple applications. Use higher rates in areas with prolonged growing seasons, areas of high foot traffic or in "grow in" situations.

TREE & SHRUB: 3 lbs. of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. of landscape area rootinjected or flood-applied in minimum of two applications per year or foliar apply at 1 gal. per 100 gals. of spray solution.

ORNAMENTAL & CONTAINER GROWN PLANT MATERIAL: Use 1/2 to 2 gals. per 100 gals. of water per application dependent upon crop requirements. Apply as a foliar spray or as a soil drench. Apply upon signs of nutrient deficiency or as necessary to maintain optimal plant growth and vigor.


Application Rate              Total Nitrogen Supplied            Controlled Release Nitrogen Supplied

Ounces                             Pounds                                      Pounds

33.5                                    0.50                                             0.25

50.0                                    0.75                                             0.37

67.0                                    1.00                                             0.50

83.3                                    1.25                                             0.62
Generally, Apply 33.5oz of CoRon per 2 to 5 gallons of water per 1,000sq. ft.







Total Nitrogen (N) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 18.00%

     9.00% Urea Nitrogen(N)

     9.00% Water Soluble Nitrogen (N)

Available Phosphorous . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 3.00%

Water Soluble Potash . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . 6.00%

Iron (Fe) chelated . . . . . .  .  . . . . . . . . . . 0.5%

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Will app minimal amount each 6 weeks during growing season. First app down and grass appears greener. Can not truly evaluate until year end. Goal is to minimize heavy N in order to minimize chances of brown spot. Coverage more even with liquid. Mixed well with pre and post herbs.

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This is great control release nitrogen liquid fertilizer safe to use, not burn.

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Great liquid fertilizer and iron worked very well in correcting iron deficiencies in lawns. Great product.

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